01 Johnny Decimal

Johnny Decimal System


The Johnny Decimal system is a simple yet powerful method for organizing information. It helps you categorize and locate documents, files, and resources quickly and efficiently. This overview will explain what the Johnny Decimal system is, how it works, and how it can be beneficial for organizing our internal knowledge base.

What is the Johnny Decimal System?

The Johnny Decimal system is an organizational framework that uses a numerical code to categorize information into manageable sections. Each code consists of three parts: the category number, the subcategory number, and the item number. This structure makes it easy to create, find, and reference information systematically.

How It Works

  1. Areas. Groups of related categories, each represented by a two-digit number (e.g., 10-19).

  2. Categories. The first part of the code is a two-digit number representing the main category. This helps to group similar types of information together. For example, all documents related to finance might fall under the category 12 which itself is part of the area 10-19.

  3. ID (01-99): The final part of the code is a two-digit number representing the specific item. This could be a document, file, or resource. For example, the budget for 2024 might be 12.01, and the budget for 2025 might be 12.02.


  • Clarity: The system provides a clear structure, making it easy to categorize and locate information.

  • Scalability: It can grow with your needs, accommodating more categories and subcategories as required.

  • Simplicity: It’s easy to understand and implement, requiring no special software or tools.

  • Consistency: Ensures a consistent way of organizing information across the entire knowledge base.

By adopting the Johnny Decimal system, we can keep our internal knowledge base organized and easily navigable, ensuring that all team members can find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

For more detailed information, visit the Johnny Decimal website.

Last updated