13.02 Lead Profile


To gain detailed insights into our lead profiles, we have developed a Lead Profile Dashboard. This tool is designed to help us visualize specific metrics and geographical distributions of our leads, providing a deeper understanding of our lead demographics and performance. This overview will explain how the system works and the technologies behind it.

Key Components

  1. PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source database management system that stores our mortgage lead data. This includes leads from various categories such as professional mortgages, construction mortgages, and land leads. PostgreSQL allows us to organize and retrieve this data efficiently.

  2. Metabase: An easy-to-use, open-source business intelligence tool that connects to our PostgreSQL database. Metabase enables us to create interactive dashboards and visualizations without needing extensive technical expertise. It helps us transform raw data into comprehensible insights.

How It Works

  1. Data Collection: Mortgage leads are collected from various sources and stored in our PostgreSQL database. The database organizes the leads by different categories, such as professional, construction, and land.

  2. Data Connection: Metabase connects to the PostgreSQL database. This connection allows Metabase to access the stored lead data directly.

  3. Data Visualization: Within Metabase, we create dashboards that visually represent the data. The Lead Profile Dashboard includes:

    • Maps: Showing the average monthly leads by state and the average purchase price by state for professional, construction, and land leads.

    • Metrics: Displaying the average purchase price, average down payment, average income, and average credit score of our leads. These metrics are segmented by our SEO and SEM channels.

  4. User Interaction: Team members can interact with the Metabase dashboards to explore different aspects of the lead data. This includes filtering the data, drilling down into specific categories, and viewing trends over time.


  • Enhanced Understanding: By visualizing our lead data, we gain a clearer understanding of our lead demographics and can make data-driven decisions.

  • Geographical Insights: The inclusion of maps allows us to see the geographical distribution of our leads and understand regional trends.

  • Accessibility: Metabase makes it easy for all team members, regardless of technical expertise, to access and understand the data.

  • Efficiency: The automated data collection and visualization process save time and reduce the likelihood of errors in data analysis.

This system ensures that we stay informed about our lead profiles and can strategically plan our next steps to optimize performance and achieve our business goals.

Last updated