24.04 BDR Client Engagement

Purpose: Provide guidelines on how to effectively engage with potential clients to build rapport and ensure a positive first impression.


  • Introduction to Client Engagement:

    • Importance of client engagement

    • Key performance indicators (KPIs)

  • Building Rapport:

    • Effective communication skills

    • Active listening techniques

  • Engagement Strategies:

    • Personalizing interactions

    • Addressing client questions and concerns

  • Scheduling Appointments:

    • Best practices for scheduling

    • Tools and resources for appointment setting

  • Follow-Up Processes:

    • Importance of follow-ups

    • Effective follow-up techniques

  • Tools and Resources:

    • Using HubSpot for client engagement

    • Email and call scripts

  • Best Practices:

    • Time management tips

    • Maintaining professionalism

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